Liquidity: Ease of converting assets into cash.

Loan: Money borrowed, to be paid back with interest.

Market Research: Gathering information about consumers' needs.

Market Saturation: A market fully absorbed with a particular product.

Marketing: Promoting and selling products or services.

Merchandising: Selling goods directly to consumers.

Merger: Two companies combining to form one.

Monopoly: Market control by a single company.

Net Income: Total earnings after all expenses.

Networking: Building professional relationships.

Niche Market: Small, specialized market.

Non-Profit: An organization focused on furthering a social cause.

Operating Costs: Day-to-day expenses of running a business.

Outsourcing: Hiring external resources to perform tasks.

Overhead: Ongoing business expenses not directly tied to producing goods.

Patent: Legal right for an invention.

Payroll: Total amount paid to employees.

Pitch: Presentation to sell a business idea.

Profit: Earnings after all expenses are deducted.

Profit Margin: Percentage of revenue that is profit.

Profit Sharing: Distributing a portion of profits to employees.

Public Relations (PR): Managing the spread of information.

Purchasing Power: The value of currency in terms of what it can buy.

Quality Control: Ensuring products meet certain standards.

Recession: Period of economic decline.

Retail: Selling goods directly to consumers.

Revenue: Total income from sales.

Risk: Potential for loss in investment.

ROI (Return on Investment): Profitability of an investment.

Scalability: Ability to grow without being hampered.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Improving website visibility in search engines.

Shareholder: An owner of shares in a company.

Social Media Marketing: Using social media platforms for marketing.

Sole Proprietorship: Business owned and operated by one person.

Startup: A new business venture.

Startup Culture: The values and practices of a startup.

Supply and Demand: Relationship between product availability and desire.

Supply Chain: Sequence of processes in production and distribution.

SWOT Analysis: Evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Target Market: Specific group a business aims to reach.

Trademark: Symbol or words legally registered for a company or product.

Trade-off: A compromise between two business choices.

Turnover: The rate at which inventory is sold and replaced.

Unicorn: A startup valued at over $1 billion.

Upselling: Encouraging customers to purchase more expensive items.

Valuation: Determining a company's current worth.

Variable Costs: Costs that vary with production output.

Venture Capital: Financing for startups with growth potential.

Webinar Hosting: Host webinars on topics you know well.

Wholesale: Selling goods in large quantities, typically for retail.


Asset: Anything of value owned by a business.

B2B (Business to Business): Transactions between businesses.

B2C (Business to Consumer): Transactions between businesses and consumers.

Bankruptcy: Legal process when a business can't pay its debts.

Bootstrap: Starting a business with minimal resources.

Brand: The identity of a business, shown by its name, logo, and reputation.

Budget: Plan for income and expenses over a period.

Business Model: A plan for how a business will make money.

Business Plan: Detailed plan outlining business goals, strategies, and operations.

Capital: Money or resources used to start and grow a business.

Cash Conversion Cycle: Time between purchasing inventory and receiving cash from sales.

Cash Flow: Movement of money into and out of a business.

Collateral: An asset offered to secure a loan.

Competition: Businesses offering similar products or services.

Consumer: Someone who buys and uses goods and services.

Content Marketing: Creating content to attract and retain customers.

COGS (Cost of Goods Sold): Direct costs of producing goods sold by a company.

Corporation: A legal entity separate from its owners.

Crowdfunding: Raising money from many people online.

Customer Acquisition Cost: Cost to acquire a new customer.

Customer Retention: Keeping customers over time.

Customer Service: Assistance provided to customers.

Data Mining: Extracting useful information from large data sets.

Debt: Money owed by the business.

Demographics: Statistical data of a population.

Depreciation: Decrease in value of an asset over time.

Diversification: Adding variety to reduce risk in a business.

Dividend: A portion of profits paid to shareholders.

E-commerce: Buying and selling goods online.

Economic Indicator: Data reflecting economic performance.

Elevator Pitch: Short description of a business idea.

Email Marketing: Using email to promote products or services.

Entrepreneur: Person who starts and runs a business.

Equity: Ownership in a business.

Expense: Money spent to generate revenue.

Fixed Costs: Costs that do not vary with production level.

Franchise: Right to sell a company's products or services in a certain area.

Freelancer: Self-employed person offering services to multiple clients.

Gross Margin: Sales revenue minus cost of goods sold.

Gross Profit: Revenue minus cost of goods sold.

Growth Hacking: Strategies focused on rapid growth.

Incorporation: Forming a corporate entity.

Inflation: Increase in prices and fall in purchasing value.

Innovation: Creating new ideas, products, or methods.

Inventory: Goods and materials held by a business.

Investment: Money put into a business for growth.

Invoice: A bill for products or services provided.

Joint Venture: Business agreement between two entities.

Liability: A company's financial debts or obligations.

Licensing: Permission to use patented or copyrighted material.